A full list of transaction summaries, along with our real estate track record can be provided upon request. Below are some of the stand out matters which we acted for in the recent past.
An international real estate fund on its acquisition and subsequent sale of a commercial building located in the heart of Hong Kong. This highly complicated transaction was valued at over HK$1.5 billion.
The Beijing Municipal Government on the eight main projects in preparation for the Beijing Olympics (including development and leaseback of the Olympic Village)
Major investment bank on a wide range of real estate matters, including leasing, sale and purchase, subletting renewal of retail and office premises, leasing of residential properties.
A global Japanese bank on the transfer of Lehman’s property interests across Asia.
A major private investor in retail property on the acquisition of a shopping mall in Hong Kong valued at HK$350 million.
Equity, Capital Market
Major investment banks as joint bookrunners and joint underwriters and Nomura as lead manager on the proposed Rule 144A IPO of Global Logistic Properties Limited and listing on the Singapore Stock Exchange. This is the largest ever real estate IPO and Singapore’s largest IPO in 17 years.
Funds and Private Equity
Major investment banks, to launch Regal REIT – Hong Kong’s first hotel REIT – on its global and initial public offering and listing on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Major investment banks as underwriters on the Link REIT IPO. The Link REIT was Hong Kong’s first real estate investment trust. At IPO, the Link REIT properties comprised 180 retail centres (10 million sq. ft.) and 79,000 car parking spaces.
A global property fund on its maiden investment in Hong Kong, including providing advice on setting up strategic SPV structures for the fund and executing various bulk acquisitions and disposals of a portfolio of luxury residential properties in Hong Kong worth over HK$2.4 billion. The deal involved setting up strategic structures to provide maximum flexibility for the client in its investment decisions and providing forward planning advice tailored for fund investment and co-ordination of macro project style transactions.
Mergers and Acquisitions
Acted for an off-shore sovereign wealth fund who acquired a 50% stake in a Hong Kong based hotel portfolio (being the largest hotel group in Hong Kong). We undertook real estate due diligence on all of the hotel assets; resolved the issues arising out of the due diligence; negotiated the real estate contracts and leases and advised on the real estate aspects of the corporate documents.
Acted for a private investor in its acquisition of a major portion of basement of a prestigious shopping centre in a landmark location in Tsimshatsui through corporate acquisition and at a consideration of exceeding HK$1billion.
A global European bank in their leasing of the central zone of the International Commerce Centre (ICC) in Hong Kong
A quasi-Government organization in all its leasing matters of its development (comprised of three office blocks and one grade A shopping arcade) since its inception in 2002.
A PRC state owned enterprise in its leasing matters of a high value residential development (comprised of various fully detached houses) in The Peak.
A northern Europe fashion brand in its retail shops leasing portfolio in Hong Kong.
Rent Review Arbitration
Acted for an industrial landlord in a rent review arbitration. The premises were in excess of 1 million square feet which meant that every cent variation in the rent was worth a significant amount of money. The matter included a number of complex legal and valuation issues which were the subject of a six-day hearing involving expert valuation witnesses and three of London’s leading Queen’s Counsel.